
EYFS and Year 1 & 2 begin by following the RWI phonic based reading scheme and then pupils move on to the Oxford Owl reading scheme.
Tips for parents
To further support your child at home with their reading development, please visit the Oxford Owl website for tips, hints and access to 100's of online books.
Some Youtube videos to support parents with phonics:
Reading support
Pupils who are working below age-related expectations in reading are identified for additional reading inventions and catch up support.
How we promote reading
- All pupils have a reading record so that they can record their reading at home and receive encouragement in school
- All pupils are encouraged to read at home four or more times a week
- We have special events through the school year with a focus on reading such as World Book Day & World Poetry day
- We have a library which all classes visit weekly. We are currently renovating the library and up dating the books inside
- We have reading displays up around school and within the library to promote reading and
- All classes have a class novel that they share in addition to weekly BAME stories to promote diversity in the books we read.
- All classes have a dedicated reading area
- Promote the Library Services Reading challenges
Any questions?
Please come into school at anytime to discuss any questions you may have about your child’s reading or progress. We want to work together to ensure your child achieves their potential.