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Online Safety

Parental internet controls

Advise on how to set parental controls can be found at the lin below

Broadband Parental Controls: How To Keep Your Child Safe Online February 2025


Parent workshop

As you may be aware that there was an e-safety session for parents on 11th March.  As you were unable to attend, we are making the information available here to read in your own time. It is important that we all work together to keep children safe online.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Miss Watkins.  Thank you - Mrs Dehala


PARENTSAFE - Keeping your children safe: online & beyond

Important website link below to support parents & carers to keep children safe online & beyond.

Home (lgfl.net)

Technology has become an integral part of children`s lives, enabling them to undertake research for school projects, talk to their friends and access information from around the world. New technology and communications are exciting; they are also rapidly changing and becoming increasingly more sophisticated. To that end, E- Safety has become a very important issue in school to ensure that all children and adults remain safe.

At Viking, we work hard with pupils, parents and staff to create a community which values the use of new technologies in enhancing learning. It encourages responsible use of ICT, and follows agreed policies to minimise potential risks. Our E-Safety policy is monitored and reviewed annually. Through lessons, we ensure that pupils are aware of potential E-Safety risks associated with the use of ICT and mobile technologies. All concerns are dealt with sensitively and effectively so that pupils, parents and staff feel able and safe to report incidents. Likewise, we report back to parents immediately if we have any concerns regarding E-Safety.

Here are some good websites for parents and carers about keeping your child safe.

Click here for parent guides on social media and online games.

Click here for information on protecting yourself online, online shopping and social media.

Click here for information from the NSPCC about keeping your children safe online.

Click here for the ParentSafe website.

Current advice & warnings

Useful leaflets, websites and resources

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